December 1, 2008
Jerald Melberg Gallery
in Charlotte, NC, Celebrates 25th Anniversary
Providence Gallery in
Charlotte, NC, Presents Annual Group Exhibition
Elder Gallery in Charlotte,
NC, Features Works by Daniel Bayless
Green Rice Gallery in Charlotte,
NC, Features Works by Bill Nelson
Shain Gallery in Charlotte,
NC, Offers Annual Holiday Group Show
Gibbes Museum of Art in Charleston,
SC, Features Printmaking Exhibition
Clinton College in Rock
Hill, SC, Offers Works by Alease Michelle
Art League of Hilton Head
on Hilton Head Island, SC, Offers Annual Holiday Show
Blue Ridge Arts Center
in Seneca, SC, Offers Holiday Exhibit & Sale
Artists' Guild of Spartanburg
in Spartanburg, SC, Features Works by Kristofer and Scott Neely
RedSky Gallery in Charlotte,
NC, Features Works by Melisa Cadell and Sarah Faulkner
Dog & Horse Fine Art
in Charleston, SC, Features Works by Pat Weaver
if ART Gallery in Columbia,
SC, Features Works by Edward Rice
Winthrop University in Rock
Hill, SC, Presents First Alumni Exhibit
Upstairs Artspace
in Tryon, NC, Celebrates 30th Anniversary
Silver Fox Gallery in
Hendersonville, NC, Offers Works by Ceramic Artists
Carolina Galleries
in Charleston, SC, Feature Works by Mickey Williams and Margaret
in Charleston, SC, Features Works by Stacy Morgan
Lowcountry Artists
in Charleston, SC, Features Works by Lynda English and Lynne Hardwick
Hampton III Gallery in Taylors,
SC, Features Works by Leo Twiggs
Red Clover Gallery in Landrum,
SC, Offers Annual Group Art Show
City of Charleston
in Charleston, SC, Features Works by Fletcher Crossman
The Cheryl Newby Gallery
in Pawleys Island, SC, Offers Works by Ray Ellis
The Sylvan Gallery in
Charleston, SC, Offers Annual Holiday Exhibition
Plum Elements in Charleston,
SC, Features Works by Ruth Heffron
Corrigan Gallery in Charleston,
SC, Features Works by Jennie Summerall
Sumter County Gallery of Art
in Sumter, SC, Features Works by Sarah Hobbs and Loren Schwerd
Carolina Gallery in
Spartanburg, SC, Features Works by Harriet Marshall Goode and
Wanda Steppe
Artspace in Raleigh, NC, Features
Works by Catherine Thornton, Keith Norval and Cameron Johnson
Nested in Carrboro, NC, Features
Works by Robert Walton
Cameron Art Museum in Wilmington,
NC, Features Works by Clare Leighton and Bob DeYoung
Fayetteville Museum of
Art in Fayetteville, NC, Features Works by Jason Craighead
Carrboro Town Hall
in Carrboro, NC, Features Works by Kimberly Alvis
Hawthorne Gallery in Winston-Salem,
NC, Features Works by Lea Lackey-Zachmann and Carl Galie
Artists' Attic in Camden,
SC, Celebrates Its 15th Year of Operation
Weatherspoon Art Museum
in Greensboro, NC, Features Works by Jeff Whetstone
The Haen Gallery in Asheville,
NC, Features Works by GC Myers
F.W. Front Gallery in Asheville,
NC, Features Works by Susan Luke
UNC Asheville in Asheville,
NC, Features Works by North Carolina Inmates
Somerhill Gallery in Durham,
NC, Offers Annual Holiday Show
Gibbes Museum of Art in
Charleston, SC, Features Works by The Eight and from the Schoen
The Mint Museums in Charlotte,
NC, Collects Can Goods for Local Food Bank
The Art Institute of
Charleston in Charleston, SC, Features Works by Dr. Katherine
Art and Light Gallery
in Greenville, SC, Features Works by Jonathan M. Porter
Upstate Visual Arts
in Greenville, SC, Features Works by Members
Horace Williams House
in Chapel Hill, NC, Features Works by Silvia Heyden
Clayspace Co-op in Asheville,
NC, Offers Annual Ceramics Sale
is published monthly by Shoestring Publishing Company, a subsidiary
of PSMG, Inc. Copyright© 2008 by PSMG, Inc., which published
Charleston Arts from July 1987 - Dec. 1994 and South
Carolina Arts from Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1996. It also publishes
Carolina Arts Online, Copyright© 2008 by PSMG, Inc.
All rights reserved by PSMG, Inc. or by the authors of articles.
Reproduction or use without written permission is strictly prohibited.
Carolina Arts is available throughout North & South